amateur needs helg finding names for two moths

Ehren Gresehover gresehover at
Wed Mar 8 16:52:19 EST 2000

I am a not an expert or even enthusiast when it comes to lepidoptera, but I 
have recently been studying bats and have, as a result, become interested in 
moths as well.

My problem is that I have encountered brief mentions of two different moths 
that I would like to know the names of, but I don't know much about them.  
What I know:

One of them has receptors on the sides of its body to better hear the 
ultrasonic noise generated by bats.  The other has soft scales that muffle 
the ultrasound.

If any of you learn-ed folks could help me with either scientific 
classification or common names I would be appreciative.

Please email me directly at gresehover at, as I am not on the 

Thank you for your time,
Ehren Gresehover
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