Small tortoishell?
Walter.Schoen at
Sun Mar 12 18:38:24 EST 2000
Hello Sandy,
it`s quite usual seeing the first butterflies flying when its going toward
spring. The Small Tortoishell is one of the species which have been
overwintering - you sometimes can see a specimen flying over snow !
I today observed about 8 specimen of this species in South-Germany.
Walter Schoen
sandydavid <sandydavid at> schrieb in im Newsbeitrag:
38cbef22_3 at
> Hello, I've just got back from a weeks sking in France (Morzine area),
> whilst sking along the ridge between France and Switzerland I nearly had a
> nasty accident as I saw what I think was a small tortishell butterfly fly
> past and the entomologist in me took over, could anyone tell me if it was
> likely if my identification was correct and if it was is is usual to see
> them at this time of year ( it was rather warm but I've never seen any
> insects whilst sking before)
> sandy
> --
> E-Mail me at:
> sandydavid at
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