Small tortoishell?
Heath Fred
Heath at
Sun Mar 12 18:31:47 EST 2000
Exactly two weeks ago, as reported to Leps-L, not far from where you
were, in the Swiss Alps, I noticed several Small Tortoiseshell (Aglais
urticae) flying about on a ridge at 3550 meters elevation at minus 6 degree
This weekend which was sunny and mild (15 degrees Celsius) a few
more were noted in the Zürich area (at a more livable 500 meters). A Cabbage
White and a Red Admiral made species numbers 2 and 3 seen so far this
season in Switzerland.
-----Original Message-----
From: sandydavid [mailto:sandydavid at]
Sent: Sonntag, 12. März 2000 20:23
To: leps-l at
Subject: Small tortoishell?
Hello, I've just got back from a weeks sking in France (Morzine area),
whilst sking along the ridge between France and Switzerland I nearly had a
nasty accident as I saw what I think was a small tortishell butterfly fly
past and the entomologist in me took over, could anyone tell me if it was
likely if my identification was correct and if it was is is usual to see
them at this time of year ( it was rather warm but I've never seen any
insects whilst sking before)
E-Mail me at:
sandydavid at
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