Dr. Rev Chuck, MD, PA
cdub at
Sun Mar 19 22:52:11 EST 2000
Kurt Jacobs wrote:
> Roundup is a salt. It breaks down rather quickly when water is added into
> nontoxic chemicals. Many people mix up table salt to kill weeds instead of
> paying the money for the expensive roundup. NACL is much more toxic than
> roundup in my opinion. Here is the eco info from the MSDS.
> ECOTOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION: Studies performed with a concentrated solution
> of the isopropylamine salt of glyphosate indicate the following:
> MON 0139 Technical (62%)
> 48-hr LC50 Daphnia: 930 mg/L, Practically Nontoxic
> 96-hr LC50 Bluegill: >1,000 mg/L, Practically Nontoxic
> 96-hr LC50 Trout: >1,000 mg/L, Practically Nontoxic
> 96-hr LC50 Carp: >10,000 ppm, Practically Nontoxic
> Roundup is not going to kill any earthworms either. Even if you spray
> roundup on an earthworm it wont kill it if you dilute the roundup to the
> proper dosage recommended. It (the earthworm) will probably lose some
> weight though.
> Roundup is sprayed on leaves, enters the plant through the absorption into
> the leaves, and dries up the plant from the tip of the roots to the end of
> the leaves by using the plants transport system. Just like saltwater kills
> people who drink it when stranded adrift in the ocean. I prefer to pull
> weeds to be honest with you and the only chemicals i ever use in a garden
> are those in water and fertilizers and air, but roundup is a puppy of a
> herbicide in my opinion.
Would you drink it?
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