Mercury Vapor lights?

Citheronia at Citheronia at
Tue Mar 21 22:23:05 EST 2000


I was wondering if anyone had a MV light (one for catching moths) that they 
would like to sell to me. On my way home from our town's community band this 
evening I spotted a few Noctuids on the lights on the building where we 
practice, and one even landed on my trombone case. My UV light broke toward 
the end of last collecting season, and I thought I'd pick up a MV light if 
anyone had a spare they could sell. Or if anyone has an extra that they 
wouldn't mind lending me for the season, I'd happily send some of my central 
New York specimens in exchange at the end of the season in exchange. 

So if you'd like to sell one, name your price. If you'd like to exchange a 
season's worth of usage for some specimens (most or all would be from Oswego 
County, NY), let me know what families/ species you are most interested in.

Other than those few moths I saw tonight, and the ones I saw last Tuesday 
night, nothing has been flying around here. I haven't seen a butterfly yet, 
but it's supposed to be warm(er) this week, so I'll keep looking.

Take Care, everyone!

Randy Lyttle
901 Cayuga Street 
Hannibal, NY 13074
Citheronia at

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