passiflora as larva host

Anne Kilmer viceroy at
Wed Mar 22 09:24:57 EST 2000

They will even use P. foetida. This comes in two flavors; fuzzy and
plain. the zebra longwing Heliconius charitonius won't use the fuzzy
sort, but will use the plain one. The Gulf frit uses them both. 
This plant is a noxious weed in Florida, and I'm not recommending its
use; I am merely reporting on their gustatory preferences. 
P. suberosa is a delightful native (here), but slow-growing. It likes
weaving among other vines, where it doesn't get spotted by too many bugs
and can arrange to get whatever sunlight it requires. It makes a good
shade groundcover too, and has an edible fruit that is attractive to
It can be shade loving, and still be useful in a butterfly garden,
because the zebra longwing is crepuscular, as suits a jungle dweller. 
I am assuming that animal and host are allied in a mutualistic sort of
way, here, and that the vine appreciates (needs?) a reasonable amount of
pruning. And I am personifying the vine because I have lived very close
to a lot of vines, know them well, and frustrate their intentions on a
steady basis.
Anne Kilmer
South Florida 
"Carol R. Lemmon" wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Kenneth Quinn <mosasaur47 at>
> To: <leps-l at>
> Sent: Sunday, March 19, 2000 1:10 PM
> Subject: passiflora as larva host
> > I know that Passiflora incarnata is a good host for the Gulf Fritillary;
> > does anyone know which exotic species are also good hosts?
> >
> >
> >
> Gulf Fritillaries will also eat P. edulis, P. caerulea, P. suberosa, P.
> lutea, plus most of the many cultivars derived from these species.  They
> don't seem to be very fussy with their hostplants: I have a friend in
> Florida who is having a hard time finding Passiflora that the 'frits' don't
> like.  So far only P. vitifolia, P. quadrangularis, and P. alato-caerulea
> (P. x belotii) are not used by Gulf Fritillaries.
> I can get you a more complete list of usable hosts if you want it.
> Good luck.
> Jeff Fengler
> CT Agricultural Experiment Station

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