Question on how to stop waxworms from spinning

Arklier arklier at
Sat Mar 25 05:20:34 EST 2000

I read somewhere that waxworms raised for reptile food and fishing
bait are treated somehow to stop them from spinning silk and escaping
their containers. All of the waxworms I've bought have come packed in
wood shavings with no silk, and their offspring DID spin. Does anyone
know how they stop the worms from producing silk? They lay down a silk
trail wherever they go, and frequently use it to climb out of their
container. I'm forced to keep the containers in a moat of water to
keep the escapees from getting out and all over the house. But then a
lot of them drown in the water. They can't climb out if they can't
spin. Anyone know how I can stop the little buggers from spinning?

arklier at
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