Moth Question (Also looking for group FAQ)

Anne Kilmer viceroy at
Mon Mar 27 08:15:14 EST 2000

They've been in Florida for a hundred years now. They are *not* the
dreaded New Zealand planarian. I looked them up, which I should have
done in the first place. 
These are the guys I was worried about:
Two additional flatworm
species, Artioposthia triangulata and Geoplana sanguinea, were
accidentally imported to
Ireland and England. They were reported as being capable of eradicating
entire earthworm
populations on farms. In greenhouses, although some collectors believe
they might damage
plants, they are considered harmless. 

However, with the Heat Death of the Universe (or anyway the next ice
age) so close, I can't imagine why I'm worrying about planarians in
Florida. University of Florida is taking care of it anyway. Heck with
it. I'm going to Ireland and build another dollhouse and enjoy my
grandchildren, and the rest of you guys can take care of the planet for
a while. 
Anne Kilmer, South Florida
Rcjohnsen wrote:
> << Subject: Re: Moth Question (Also looking for group FAQ)
> From: drdn at  (Chris J. Durden)
> Date: Mon, Mar 27, 2000 3:33 AM
> Message-id: < at>
> Anne,
>   We have *Bipalium kewense* here. They are quite common.  >>

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