cecropia help?
birdtech at sympatico.ca
Mon Mar 27 14:23:54 EST 2000
Thank you, Merci, I will try it, sounds like a delightful fair weather
hobby. I have lilac, apple and maple trees to offer if all goes well.
Wish me luck :-)
Tana Clarke
> It should be kept outside in the shadow and protected from predators or
> parasites(it might already be parasited)sprayed with a little water once
in a
> while if the area is to dry.
> This is so it emerges at the same time asthe others in the
> you`ve got a female,males will come around seven or eight at night and try
> mate her, as long as she is not mated you will smell the scent of her and
> will the males from afar.
> when you have reunited the couple it will mate for up to 24
> the female will give you a few hundred eggs that will hatche within a week
> that you will feed the leafs of the maple tree you found it on,or lilac or
> another tree close by.After about 40 days,you should have a couple of
> cocoons if you have raised them idividually cause if one gets sick it will
> contaminate the others if they are together.
> René
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