Bt corn flap

Rcjohnsen rcjohnsen at
Wed Mar 29 17:29:38 EST 2000

<< Subject: Re: Bt corn flap
From: viceroy at  (Anne Kilmer)
Date: Wed, Mar 29, 2000 1:15 PM
Message-id: <38E1FC9D.EE637ABB at>

As the instigator of the current version of the Bt flap, I'd like to
thank participants for their well-reasoned, thoughtful and fact-filled
Thanks to you, I was able to give my friend the information she needed,
prevent her from citing the "genetic damage" myth, and aim her toward
some useful studies. 
There are no easy answers, but at least we know that the scientists are
asking the hard questions ... and are not satisfied with the swift and
superficial answers. 
Anne Kilmer
south Florida

That's the whole point to this.  Asking hard questions will sometimes result in
flip answers-they show a sense of humor, but it draws more knowledgable people
into the fray(debate) and it becomes a learning experience.  And usually what
often seems like a simple question has complicated and not so simple
answers/solutions/explanations.  I think genetic engineering has some valuable
contributions to make as well as cloning.  I would have liked to see more
testing of Bt corn fed to cancer prone rats/mice/dogs before unleashing it in
the environment, because the environment is a very complex thing indeed.

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