Windsor(Ontario) Butterflies

Donald Davis donald.davis at
Mon May 8 03:44:42 EDT 2000

With very warm temperatures and southerly winds, there was a huge bird
migration into Ontario this past weekend. However, still no report of
the first sighting of a migrating monarch butterfly. Apparently there
are many sighting in the northern states bordering Ontario.  Please send
your reports to this writer or to Journey North (

Don Davis
Toronto, ON

donald_davis at
Here are some Point Pelee National Park sightings courtesy of ONTBIRDS
and reported by Alan Wormington:

BUTTERFLIES -- Tom Hanrahan observed a Common Sooty-Wing this morning in

the septic field E of the Visitor Centre, a record-early observation for

Point Pelee.  Species present that are numerous right now include Red
Admiral, Eastern Comma, American Painted-Lady, Spring Azure, Cabbage
White and a few Tiger Swallowtails. There have also been a few Olive
(Juniper) Hairstreaks reported during the last couple of day.

Alan Wormington
Staff, Friends of Point Pelee
P.S. In the north country - and you don't have to go that far north -
there has been a very successful hatching of black flies. So much so
that children have to play indoors in many regions.

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