Hodges checklist update

James J. Kruse kruse at nature.Berkeley.EDU
Thu May 11 17:12:42 EDT 2000

On Thu, 11 May 2000, Kurt Jacobs wrote:

> Is there an errata or supplement to the Checklist of Lepidoptera of America
> North of Mexico (Hodges et al., 1983)?  I realize that the MONA fascicles

The MONA checklist for Tortricidae is updated at:


Jim Kruse
University of California at Berkeley
Dept. of Environ Sci, Policy and Mgmt.
Div. of Insect Biology
201 Wellman Hall
Berkeley, California, 94720-3112
Voice: (510) 642-7410    Fax: (510) 642-7428

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