Marsupial Mammal Venom?

Michael Gochfeld gochfeld at
Sat May 13 06:55:22 EDT 2000

	I happen to be interested in animal venoms and I'd never heard 
of a venom in Sugar Gliders (which doesn't mean much), but I just happen 
to have my Walker (MAMMALS OF THE WORLD) at hand,  the section on the 
genus Petaurus (four species), doesn't mention anything about this (nor 
really anything on how they obtain or subdue prey). Sap, blossums, 
nectar, insects, and small vertebrates (thumb-sized) are given as food 
	On the other hand many animal bites readily become infected 
(however I would expect that to be red and hot rather than blue). A 
quick check of my limited venom/toxin library provided no additional 
clues (but also didn't cover the Shrews, so omission is not that 
	You may be on to something interesting. However, before you go 
experimenting on yourself remember that some animal proteins can be 
sensitizers (worse reactions on subsequent bites). 
	Good luck in sorting this out. If I encounter anything further 
I'll let you know. 

M. Gochfeld

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