Columbus, OH

Eric or Pat Metzler spruance at
Wed May 17 09:32:09 EDT 2000


Luna moths are on the wing.  A bl running all night might be
sufficient -they tend to come to light after midnight.  MV is better, but
don't lug around a generator just for luna moths.

I'm not sure of your definition of "in the Columbus area."  You'll generally
have a drive a bit to get into the woods to get them, or have a permit for
woods closer to the city - probably a bit late to get a permit.

All members of The Ohio Lepidopterists have a blanket permit for Ohio's
Wildlife Areas.

Give me a call now, or when you arrive, and we can talk more about this, and
of course other leps.

Best wishes,

Eric Metzler
Columbus OH
spruance at

"James Hanlon" <jfhanlon at> wrote in message
> Dear Leps-L members:
> I am going to be in Columbus, Ohio next week. Will Luna moths be flying
> early in the year?
> Does anyone know of a good location to set-up a DC-charged black-light and
> white sheet via the car battery in the Columbus area?
> Will a DC black light suffice? or should I be using a mercury vapor light
> instead? I am not particularly excited about lugging a generator through
> airport, although I hear the Honda EX-350 is pretty light. (Cost to rent a
> generator?).
> Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
> Jim
> Probably easiest to go back in mid June and visit a well lit tennis court.

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