NABA Field Trips in South Florida

Alana Edwards LASMARIPOSAS at
Tue May 23 01:24:28 EDT 2000

Hi Anne and all:  Alana is away for a few days taking a group on a
butterflying trip down in the Keys.  I (Lana Edwards, Alana's Mom) want you
all to know that when Alana heard about this incident she was VERY upset.
She felt that Leroy had been very helpful to her and that she had
established a good relationship with him. I believe that before she left she
sent an e-mail to him to assure him she knew nothing about the incident and
totally disagreed with it.  She knew about the traps and knew why they were
there. It didn't occur to her that anyone in the NABA group would resort to
destroying the property of someone else. In Leroy's e-mail he mentioned that
in addition to the trap that was destroyed other traps were taken. I am not
disputing his word but I was with one of the two groups that day and we saw
only one trap. I believe the second group covered the same territory we did
but in reverse so we wouldn't get in each others way. In that case, they
probably saw the one trap we saw, which, when the first group left was still
in place in spite of the fact that there were those in our small group who
were not pleased to see the trap.  It was not labeled in any way to let
others know its purpose. At the time, I certainly didn't know who the trap
belonged to and would doubt anybody in our group did. Most were from out of
state.  Someone in the second of our two groups, I was told,  was the person
responsible for the destruction of the trap. If someone called Leroy to tell
him about the incident then he probably knows who the person is and the two
of them should deal with this problem between them. I don't think NABA
should get involved in a problem which is, obviously, between individuals.
One individual CANNOT and DOES NOT speak for all of NABA. I would have
preferred that our group had not seen the traps but I certainly would not
promote the destruction of them and would not have chosen this method to
convey my displeasure in seeing them.  The planners of this conference (the
officers of the Atala Chapter, myself included) had nothing to do with it.We
wanted this conference, which we put a LOT of work into, to end on a
positive note and this incident did not contribute to that end. I don't
think there is anything more I can add to the subject. Anne is absolutely
right, no NABA officers approve of vandalism.

The following comment is addressed to Anne: I know the butterfly display you
were referring to where butterflies were in a mall.  Alana was involved in
that and still has nightmares about it!  People at the mall were supposed to
rotate the plants and didn't do their part.  Believe me, it was a lesson
learned for Alana.  We occasionally capture some caterpillars to use as a
teaching tool but there it ends.  You can be sure Alana would never be
involved in anything like that again.  She was totally sickened by the whole
thing.  As for the plant sales you mention, I know nothing about what plant
sales you mean.  We (Edwards family) haven't been to or been involved in any
in a very long time.  I don't know what other people are doing.  I'm sure
there are still those who think its a good thing to raise butterflies in the
screened in porch and release them into the back yard.  Beginning butterfly
gardeners often do that.  We got past that years ago and have tried to
persuade others not to do it.  Just wanted to make sure WE are not
Lana Edwards

----- Original Message -----
From: anne kilmer <viceroy at>
To: <cguppy at>
Cc: <LEPS-L at>; <robert.beiriger at>;
<Vladnuts at>; <LASMARIPOSAS at>; <philjs at>;
<slotten at>
Sent: Monday, May 22, 2000 12:20 AM
Subject: Re: NABA Field Trips in South Florida

> I don't like to have my name added to a NABA-bashing episode. I would
> like to point out that the Brodkins and I, who have articulated our
> distress at this incident, are NABA members, active in the organization.
> I cannot imagine that any NABA officers would approve of vandalism.
> Cheers
> Anne Kilmer
> Cris Guppy & Aud Fischer wrote:
> >
> > Like Anne I doubt that this was a childish prank. It seems more likely
to be
> > deliberate destruction to prevent Leroy from collecting with the trap.
> > it was a NABA organized field trip, lead by NABA leaders, and the
> > to destroy the trap likely resulted from NABA's anti-collecting
attitude, an
> > apology from NABA seems to be in order.
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Leptraps at <Leptraps at>
> > To: LEPS-L at <LEPS-L at>
> > Cc: robert.beiriger at <robert.beiriger at>;
> > Vladnuts at <Vladnuts at>; LASMARIPOSAS at
> > <LASMARIPOSAS at>; philjs at
<philjs at>;
> > slotten at <slotten at>
> > Date: May 21, 2000 7:09 PM
> > Subject: RE: NABA Field Trips in South Florida
> >
> > >I have never directly attacked NABA nor it's members, I was once a
> > >myself. I have gladly provided information to a member organizing the
> > >trips. This information is the result of hours of field work collecting
> > >observing Lepidoptera.
> > >
> > >I received several telephone calls Sunday evening informing me that
> > >one of the field trips to an area near Port Mayaca in Martin County, a
> > >location that I provided, NABA members found several of my bait traps,
> > of
> > >which they destroyed and others were taken.
> > >
> > >I received permission from the land owner to collect and hang bait
> > and
> > >even allow others, (NABA) to look for butterflies. What a wonderful
> > >one receive when he helps those who claim not to be opposed to
> > My
> > >efforts to survey the Lepidoptera of South Florida requires time,
> > and
> > >money. The results of those efforts are a record of what occurs in
> > >Florida. My trap work along the Sugar Ridge of Lake Okeechobee (The
> > >Ridge extends from west of the town of Okeechobee all the way into
> > >Palm Beach County) has produced 533 species of Butterflies and moths in
> > Bait
> > >Traps, Light Traps and Pheromone Traps. I, along with Bob Beiriger and
> > >Fine have put forth a great effort to monitor the traps and record the
> > >species that are collected in the traps. May I also make note that Bait
> > Traps
> > >are live traps. Only selected individuals are taken for records.
> > >
> > >I believe that the action of the NABA members responsible for
> > and
> > >taking my bait traps are a childish prank and demonstrate a total lack
> > >responsibility. They act like children! It shows their true face to
> > >Lepidopterists''. This is my reward for freely giving help to insure
> > >NABA members have a great meeting.
> > >
> > >I am sure that this will stir the coals and fuel the fires over the
> > >collecting issue. I apologize if it does.
> > >
> > >Cheers,
> > >
> > >Leroy C. Koehn
> > >6085 Wedgewood Village Circle
> > >Lake Worth, FL 33463-7371
> > >Hm: 561-966-1655
> > >Cell: 561-301-4215
> > >E-mail: Leptraps at
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >

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