NABA Field Trip in FL

James J. Kruse kruse at nature.Berkeley.EDU
Mon May 22 23:16:53 EDT 2000

On Mon, 22 May 2000, Alana Edwards wrote:

> of them should deal with this problem between them. I don't think NABA
> should get involved in a problem which is, obviously, between individuals.
> One individual CANNOT and DOES NOT speak for all of NABA. 

I disagree. This was a NABA organized field trip, lead by NABA leaders,
and this truly repulsive act of vandalism was performed by a NABA
member. In the field during a field trip such as this, each individual is
perceived to be an 'ambassador' for that organization, like it or not. 

If any of the high leadership of NABA think that this was a disgusting act
that serves only to tarnish the image of NABA, then they should apologize
formally and in a timely manner to Leroy (preferably Mr. Glassberg
himself), if not for acknowledging legitimate science, then for public
relations sake.

> > I don't like to have my name added to a NABA-bashing episode.

I would point out that the NABA-bashing was done by the NABA member
through his/her actions.

Jim Kruse
University of California at Berkeley
Dept. of Environ Sci, Policy and Mgmt.
Div. of Insect Biology
201 Wellman Hall
Berkeley, California, 94720-3112
Voice: (510) 642-7410    Fax: (510) 642-7428

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