Net traps and net tents

Chris J. Durden drdn at
Wed May 24 07:17:42 EDT 2000

  In Central Texas the "Charaxes"-style suspended traps are found sooner or
later by raccoons which are always playfully destructive.
  Malaise flight traps and "Walmart-special" net tents are inevitably
shredded by the raccoons.
  Bluejays also tear netting to get at the butterflies inside.
  I am considering building an old fashioned wire-screen insectary, or a
hardware cloth enclosure for the tent.
.........Chris Durden

At 10:41  24/05/00 -0700, you wrote:
>Thanks Jeff, for representing us so graciously.   
>I'll certainly vouch that traps of all kinds get damaged, removed, etc.
>and don't mean just by the weather!   There has been a big push for
>bringing bluebirds back to the area and numerous birdhouses have been
>built and placed in parks toward that end.  If a birdhouse makes it
>through the year, it is amazing! 
>Wanda Dameron
>LA-NABA, Lep Soc, Xerces, Lorquin, ATL
>Flutterby Press, San Fernando Valley, Ca.

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