Green Hairstreaks in Southwest Oregon

Patricia and Jeff Harding jmh at
Tue May 23 23:10:03 EDT 2000

Dan Thackaberry and I toured the southern coast range in Oregon over the
last weekend, looking for butterflies. We found green Hairstreaks
(Callophrys sp) in four of the five counties we visited, including Douglas,
Coos, Curry and Jackson. They seemed to appear almost everywhere we stopped,
or at least every other station. I'm unsure as to species, especially since
what we thought before was Callophrys dumetorum seems to be affinis or
sheridani. Most of the individuals had a few indistinct white spots on the
underside of the hind wing, but some had immaculate undersides and one had a
nice white line underneath, if a little indistinct in places. Dan kept some
specimens, and I took some photographs, so we should be able to work them
Jeff Harding

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