The Ball is now in NABA's court!

Leptraps at Leptraps at
Wed May 24 22:27:19 EDT 2000

I am a Lepidopterists', a very amateur one at that. As a Lepidopterists' I 
collect specimens, I curate a personal collection, I design and build traps 
of all sorts to collect Lepidoptera, I attempt to rear species of interest, I 
photograph all stages of the Lepidoptera that I rear. I preserve larva, I am 
the Editor of a regional Lepidopterists Society newsletter, etc., etc. I have 
passion for the science that I love. That is my description of what I believe 
a Lepidopterists is. However, I go one farther, I share the knowledge of 
Lepidoptera that I have with all those who seek it. The majority of the 
several hundred Lepidopterist that I know fit this description. Many that I 
know are professional's working for Museums, Universities and nature 
organizations. The study of Lepidoptera is a science.

NABA is an organization of butterfly watchers and gardeners. Although many 
share similar interest, some consider themselves to be Lepidopterists, most 
are watchers/observers.

The Fundamental difference between NABA and The Lepidopterists' Society is 
the science. As a result there is a divide between the two organizations that 
continues to widen as a result of NABA members. The destruction and taking of 
my bait traps contributed to the divide. The animosity between Lepidopterists 
and NABA members continues to grow.

I should be outraged at what happened to my traps. Since I posted the 
incident I have received several apologies for NABA members and from Jeff 
Glassberg. I even received a few e-mail messages that blamed me for the 
incident. Again I should be outraged at being blamed.

First, there is no law that prohibits the collecting of insects, including 
Lepidoptera, other that those insects receiving protection, whether federal, 
local and or personal. My trapping Lepidoptera is not restricted or illegal. 
My traps were on private property and I received permission from the property 
owner to trap and collect on the property. Nothing that I was doing was 
illegal. All the traps had my name and telephone number on the top of the 

Secondly, I provided a NABA member arranging the field trips a number of 
locations that they could visit in search of butterflies. I made this person 
aware that I had traps at several of these locations. Although I never 
suggested the removal of the traps prior to the field trip, I would have done 
so if requested. My interest was that those attending the field trips would 
enjoy seeing butterflies at these locations. I also understand that this 
person is extremely up-set as the result of the trap smashing incident. 

Finally, to continue to pursue this matter will only deepen the divide 
between NABA and the Lepidopterists' Society. I willing accept the apologies 
offered. I have provided the names of the culprits who destroyed the traps to 
law enforcement (Please do not look for this incident on America's Most 
Wanted). Besides, I design and fabricate the traps. The loss is not mine. The 
real loser in this incident is NABA.

I have supported the Lepidopterists' Society since I first joined in 1970. I 
have also supported the Society financially. I was once a NABA member, but 
when the science that I love and the Society that I support came under attack 
by NABA members, I could no longer be a part of NABA. NABA contends that it 
is not opposed to collecting. They need to inform their members. I have 
attempted to help close the divide between the two organizations by offering 
my help where ever possible, even as the Editor of the Southern 
Lepidopterists' Society's newsletter. Eliminating the divide will advance the 
knowledge of Lepidoptera. I will not allow this incident to change my mind 
nor my goals. I refuse to throw any more dirt. I am better than that. My 
Grandmother had a saying that I hold true to this day; "What goes around, 
comes around". If the divide is to be closed, the ball is now in NABA's 
court. The next play is theirs. 

The incident is finished and I think I have said enough. 

Leroy C. Koehn
6085 Wedgewood Village Circle
Lake Worth, FL 33463-7371
Hm: 561-966-1655
Cell: 561-301-4215
E-mail: Leptraps at

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