Bioblitz near Portland, Oregon

Richard Worth rworth at
Fri May 26 13:09:50 EDT 2000

Our department is one of the sponsors of this event.  It looks like I 
might be one of the lepidopterists involved in this endeavor.  The 
more I hear about it, the more fun it sounds.  We should have several 
blacklight stations set up in different habitat zones.  I will have 
to tell more after the event is over.
Cheers, Rich

>There is a notice on the website of the Xerces Society for a "bioblitz"
>to be held in the Champoeg State Heritage Area,  just south of
>Portland, Oregon.   This bioblitz is scheduled for 3 pm Friday, June 16
>to 3 pm Saturday, June 17, 2000.   The idea is to identify every species
>in about a  700-acre area in a 24-hour effort in which it is expected
>that about 2000 species may be identified.   Apparently this is
>something that has been done previously in the East but not in the
>West.   Find out more about this specific event,  the concept and
>previous such exercises at:
>It sounds a little like something I have imagined, but have never
>experienced.  If any of you are "bioblitz" veterns,  I think it might be
>interesting to hear what you have to say about the experience and the
>results it yields!
>Jeffrey A. Caldwell

Richard A. Worth
Oregon Department of Agriculture
Plant Division
rworth at
(503) 986-6461

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