Southern Hairstreak
Anne Kilmer
viceroy at
Sat Nov 4 15:24:27 EST 2000
"Chris J. Durden" wrote:
> Obviously it must be called the Texas Hairstreak. *Eurystrymon ontario
> autolycus* swarms predictably in most of Texas from late April to late May.
> I really would like to see more than the published evidence to convince me
> it is conspecific with *E. favonius*.
> .........Chris Durden
There we go. Call it the Common-in-Texas-Rare-in-Ontario Hairstreak,
which will incorporate part of the scientific name.
or call it the Snitch. Its last name, autolycus, is from a Shakespearian
character, a "snapper up of unconsidered trifles". Harry Potter fans
will appreciate the reference to its flying habits, and then, when they
split again, urged on by Chris, you have a nice name for one of them.
The other can have favonius.
Anne Kilmer
South Florida
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