Chrysoclista (Glyphipteryx) linneella (Cl.) Lepidoptera: Agonoxenidae

Richard Worth rworth at
Wed Nov 8 16:08:08 EST 2000

Hello Christopher,   By the generic name, it looks like you have a 
sedge moth question.  If so, John B. Heppner at the Florida State 
Coll. of Arthropods in Gainesville is a world (or at least new world) 
expert on the Glyphipterigidae.  His e-mail is: 
heppnej at
Hope this helps,  Rich

>I am trying to determine the extent of distribution of the moth
>Chrysoclista (Glyphipteryx) linneella (Cl.) Lepidoptera: Agonoxenidae in
>North America. I am also interested in knowing its range in Europe.
>I would appreciate hearing from anyone who is familiar with the species.
>Please reply to <nextug at>
>Many thanks,
>Christopher Majka

Richard A. Worth
Oregon Department of Agriculture
Plant Division
rworth at
(503) 986-6461
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