Chrysoclista (Glyphipteryx) linneella (Cl.) Lepidoptera: Agonoxenidae

Christopher Majka nextug at
Wed Nov 8 20:13:44 EST 2000

Hi Richard!

On Wed, 8 Nov 2000, Richard Worth wrote:

> Hello Christopher,   By the generic name, it looks like you have a 
> sedge moth question.

Actually the species in question is (insofar as I am able to ascertain)
now correctly know as Chrysoclista linneella. I'm not sure of what the
current systematics of the group is (perhaps someone better informed than
I can inform me) but the Agonoxenidae appear to have been seperated from
the Glyphipterigidae.

> If so, John B. Heppner at the Florida State Coll. of Arthropods in
> Gainesville is a world (or at least new world) expert on the
> Glyphipterigidae.  His e-mail is:  heppnej at 

I'll drop him a line and see if he can enlighten me!

> Hope this helps, Rich

Many thanks!

Christopher Majka

Christopher Majka                       <natural at>
Electronic Resources on Lepidoptera, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

The toad beneath the harrow knows, exactly where each tooth-point goes;
The butterfly upon the road, preaches contentment to that toad.
					- Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936)


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