FW: Mexico expands monarch butterfly habitat
Mike Quinn
Mike.Quinn at tpwd.state.tx.us
Fri Nov 10 20:36:12 EST 2000
Mexico expands monarch butterfly habitat
November 10, 2000
On Thursday the government announced it was increasing the size of the
protected area to 216 square miles (56,000 hectares) from 62 square miles
(16,000 hectares), and expanding the so-called core zone where cutting trees
is banned. In buffer zones, regulated tree-cutting is permitted.
"The monarch butterfly reserve shows that conservation is not contrary to
economic and social development," President Ernesto Zedillo said at a
ceremony formalizing the move.
Forward from the Monarch Watch Listserv:
> Greenwire's excerpt of SF Chronicle story
> BUTTERFLIES: Mexico expands monarch reserve, compensates
> residents
> Mexican President Ernesto Zedillo issued a decree yesterday that
>will expand a monarch butterfly reserve while protecting the
>livelihood of its inhabitants.
> The new protections will link a string of nature reserves to create
>a continuous corridor in the butterfly's winter nesting grounds. It
>will add a 100,000-acre buffer zone around the current monarch
>reserve, which has been degraded over the past few decades by
>illegal logging. At the same time, the government will join the
>World Wildlife Fund and the Mexican Fund for Natural Conservation to
>establish a $5 million fund to compensate about 60,000 residents in
>the area for lost logging rights.
> The compensation plan is largely unprecedented in Mexico, where
>landowners whose activities are limited by protected areas sometimes
>resort to illegal logging.
> The Global Environmental Facility, administered by the World Bank,
>has pledged $60 million to help fund the management of the monarch
>reserve and other areas (AP/San Francisco Chronicle online, Nov. 9).
>- AGR
Mike Quinn
Invertebrate Biologist
Wildlife Diversity Branch
Texas Parks & Wildlife
3000 IH 35 South, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704
Ph/Fax: 512/912-7059, -7058
mike.quinn at tpwd.state.tx.us
Texas Monarch Watch Hotline: 800/468-9719
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