[LEPS-L:7916] Re: Killer Yellowjackets?

Cris Guppy or Aud Fischer cguppy at quesnelbc.com
Sat Nov 18 23:14:33 EST 2000

There are many species of yellow jackets, some of which nest above ground
and some of which nest below ground.

When I was a teenager I was clearing brush with a machete on the west coast
of Vancouver Island, Canada. I disturbed ground nesting yellow jackets, and
they chased after me. The fourth and last sting occurred about 100 feet from
the nest.

About 4 hours later we were sitting at the dinner table about 200 feet from
the nest. A yellow jacket cruised in the open window, flew straight towards
me, and landed on my collar. After what seemed like an eternity it flew away
again without stinging me. It took me a year to get over a very strong,
irrational fear of all bees and wasps (I deliberately handled them in ways
that would avoid having them sting me. By the time one finally did get me I
had gotten over my fear, and it has never returned.)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Gochfeld" <gochfeld at EOHSI.RUTGERS.EDU>
To: "Ron Gatrelle" <gatrelle at tils-ttr.org>; "Leps-l" <Leps-l at lists.yale.edu>
Sent: Saturday, November 18, 2000 6:04 PM
Subject: [LEPS-L:7914] Killer Yellowjackets?

> I was intrigued with Ron's report that Yellowjackets have an attack
> distance of 10-15' from the nest.  That is greater than our experience
> in southern New York or New Jersey where the attack distance is more
> like 2-3 feet.  My Yellowjacket stings have usually come when I
> inadvertently (surprise) stepped near or on an unseen nest. Then 3-5
> stings would be the norm.
> Here Yellowjacket nests are almost always under ground, although
> occasionally in a log pile.  We had a nest in the broken headlight
> molding of a car that was resting for severa months in our driveway.
> I understand that in other parts of the range they regularly nest above
> ground.
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