[LEPS-L:7949] Re: ASPS (the name of a stinging caterpillar in Texas)

Jim Mason jmason at ink.org
Tue Nov 21 09:43:06 EST 2000

A good web reference on North American stinging cats, which is from just
next door to you in Alabama, is:

Unfortunately, this web site does not have pictures of the adults.  But if
you type the scientific name of the caterpillar you are curious about into a
search engine like Google http://www.google.com/ you can doubtless find a
picture of the adult.

(BTW, the preferred term is "venomous", not poisonous.  The latter refers to
things eaten, rather than things that bite or sting!)


Jim Mason, Naturalist
jmason at ink.org
(316) 683-5499 x103
Great Plains Nature Center
6232 E. 29th St. N.
Wichita, KS 67220-2200

----- Original Message -----
From: <jandwdic at postoffice.swbell.net>
To: <leps-l at lists.yale.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2000 12:04 AM
Subject: [LEPS-L:7946] Re: ASPS (the name of a stinging caterpillar in

   One other question. Are poisonous caterpillars very common?


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