[LEPS-L:7982] Teles Pires

Michael Gochfeld gochfeld at eohsi.rutgers.edu
Sun Nov 26 12:27:22 EST 2000

I don't know about the Rio Roosevelt. But I do know about the Teles 
Pires.  It arises in central Mato Grosso somewhere to the northeast of 
Cuiaba (state capital). It flows generally northwest, past Alta 
Floresta, and then  briefly becomes the border between Mato Grosso and 
Para states before joining the Rio Juruena to form the Rio Tapajos, one 
of the main tributaries of the Amazon. 

Joanna Burger and I recently had the opportunity to study butterflies on 
the banks of one of the small tributaries of the Teles Pires. While 
crossing the Teles Pires we were literally assaulted by butterflies who 
landed on us and our clothing and on the sweaty straps of our backpacks. 
We counted over a dozen species in the boat at one time (we didn't know 
all their identities at the time). The most abundant was Eunica monima 
(Dingy Purplewing). 

Mike Gochfeld


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