[LEPS-L:7993] Re: Teles Pires

JoBiz_UFPR bizarro at bio.ufpr.br
Mon Nov 27 06:29:10 EST 2000

You are right!

I was rong and apologise for the error.
Did you see Doxocopa butterflies (Nymphalidae:Apaturinae)??

best wishes


-----Mensagem original-----
De: Michael Gochfeld <gochfeld at EOHSI.RUTGERS.EDU>
Para: leps-l at lists.yale.edu <leps-l at lists.yale.edu>
Data: Domingo, 26 de Novembro de 2000 15:40
Assunto: [LEPS-L:7982] Teles Pires

>I don't know about the Rio Roosevelt. But I do know about the Teles 
>Pires.  It arises in central Mato Grosso somewhere to the northeast of 
>Cuiaba (state capital). It flows generally northwest, past Alta 
>Floresta, and then  briefly becomes the border between Mato Grosso and 
>Para states before joining the Rio Juruena to form the Rio Tapajos, one 
>of the main tributaries of the Amazon. 
>Joanna Burger and I recently had the opportunity to study butterflies on 
>the banks of one of the small tributaries of the Teles Pires. While 
>crossing the Teles Pires we were literally assaulted by butterflies who 
>landed on us and our clothing and on the sweaty straps of our backpacks. 
>We counted over a dozen species in the boat at one time (we didn't know 
>all their identities at the time). The most abundant was Eunica monima 
>(Dingy Purplewing). 
>Mike Gochfeld
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