[LEPS-L:8023] Re: Help with Geometrid genus name
Martin Honey
M.Honey at nhm.ac.uk
Wed Nov 29 01:58:53 EST 2000
>The most recent listing of Geometridae, *Geometrid Moths of the World, a
>catalogue,* 1999, edited by Malcolm Scoble has an entry for Aspitates
>Treitschke, 1825 and no entry for Apilates, however, Treitschke could have
>described more than one genus with similar spellings. If we know which
>species you are working on that would help nail it down.
As one of the co-authors, I thought it worth correcting Eric. Our catalogue
does have
an entry for Aspilates - both in the index and under the synonymy for
Aspitates (the correct, original spelling). It was a subsequent emendation
by Treitschke, 1827, as has already been stated.
All the best.
Martin R. Honey CBiol MIBiol, Lead Curator (Moths)
Department of Entomology, The Natural History Museum,
Cromwell Road, London, SW7 5BD, Great Britain
EMAIL: M.Honey at nhm.ac.uk
Museum web page <http://www.nhm.ac.uk>
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