[LEPS-L:8042] Midea

Ron Gatrelle gatrelle at tils-ttr.org
Wed Nov 29 16:43:16 EST 2000

Anthocharis midea annickae of the eastern US evolved from A. m. texana of
the Texas/Mexican refugium. A. midea midea is a very restricted (immediate
coast of GA, SC, and s. NC) relic of the Fl refugium. The varied phenotypes
in the rest of the species range are not assignable to any subspecies but
are the offspring of the midea midea and midea taxana post Wisconsin genetic
clash. The pertinent published scientific literature is:
DosPassos and Klots, 1969. Ento. Americana. Vol 1:45
Gatrelle, 1985. S. Lepid. Bulletin no.2.
Gatrelle, 1998. The Taxonomic Report. Vol. 1:1
(www.tils-ttr.org for specimen examples)

Since these three papers are the only scientific, evolutionary, and
taxonomic studies of this species, and since both dos Passos and Klots have
passed away, I guess that this leaves me as the world's expert on the
evolution and taxonomy of this species. The reared pupae of midea midea I
kept indoors for three years never had the temperature go above 85 or below
60. They were in constant low humidity (summer AC and winter gas heat). They
emerged after being set outside a few days before some heavy rain in May
(they normally come out from end of February to first of April). After these
rains I went outside and was surprised to find a fresh male in my yard.
Since this does not fly here in my urban area I immediately checked the
pupae. Two had hatched. The other three emerged in the next couple of days.

The coastal southeastern US is very humid and has a lot of rain (most of the
summer is passed under 85 +% humidity). This delayed emergence mechanism is
an evolutionary trait that still lies in midea's genes from when it was
necessary for the species survival while isolated in the Florida island

The parallel humidity (rainy season) stimuli is, as M. Walker stated, well
known and documented for the western Anthocharis species esp. cethura/pima.
(Emmel and Emmel, 1973, etc.)


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