[LEPS-L:8057] Re: Extinct 'species'

Mark Walker MWalker at gensym.com
Thu Nov 30 20:26:37 EST 2000

Neil Jones wrote:

> Mark, I respect your honesty, even when you misjudge me and fire
> off quick flames. I don't want to stop you collecting but I do want to
> save habitat and prevent extictions. These money grubbing scoundrels
> have poor morals and they do not care who gets poisoned or killed as
> a result of their actions.I would hope that this is one area where
> our views of the world do coincide. I judge you to be a moral person
> even if your views on biology are sometimes unorthodox.

I suppose I've been guilty of misjudging you.  I suppose I've been guilty of
misunderstanding you.  I know I'm often unorthodox (by choice, much of the
time).  But I still don't accept the notion of a pro-destruction
anti-conservation lobby.  Anti-conservation, sure.  Pro-construction (and
development), yeah (which I generally oppose).  But pro-destruction,
anti-conservation paints a picture of environmental hatred.  I don't think
this exists as a movement.  Environmental carelessness and indifference,
yes.  Greed motivated behavior, yes.

BTW, you know what my position is with regards to habitat and conservation.

And sorry about quick flames, but, as I've said before (whether you see it
or not) your posts often make non-response an impossible courtesy.

Oops.  I just did it again.

Mark Walker

"Arise, O Lord, let not man triumph;
   let the nations be judged in your presence.
Strike them with terror, O Lord;
   let the nations know they are but men."

Psalm 9:19-20


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