help identifying caterpillar!

Richard Worth rworth at
Mon Oct 9 20:03:22 EDT 2000

Hi there,

It sounds like you may have the infamous oleander caterpillar, 
Syntomeida epilais.   Check out the following website to see if it 
looks right:

This site has all you probably want to know about it.  It is 
considered a pest, although it is a native.  It increased in numbers 
and distribution when people started planting ornamental oleanders. 
The native host is Echites umbellata found in South Florida.  Good 
luck.   Rich

>Hi Everyone! I was in Tampa, Florida this weekend and found a
>great-looking caterpillar, and I'm wondering what exactly it is. It's
>bright orange with long black, hairly looking spikes all over it. It's
>about and inch and a half long. I'm sure it's probably very common in
>Florida, but being a girl from New Jersey, it looks totally exotic and
>mysterious to me. :) Any help in feeding and rearing would be VERY much
>appreciated. Thanks!
>shulamis at
>Sent via
>Before you buy.

Richard A. Worth
Oregon Department of Agriculture
Plant Division
rworth at
(503) 986-6461

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