To those in the ring (backlog message)

Ron Gatrelle gatrelle at
Sat Oct 14 01:29:57 EDT 2000

You should see my stuff before I spell check it!!! If spelling were a true
indicator of ones intelligence I would be a certifiable idiot many times
over. But you may have come up with a real good saying here. Lots of
applications. We would all do well to do more sewing and less rending. (Is
that the right kind of rending?)
----- Original Message -----
From: "David Webster" <david.h.webster at>
To: "Ron Gatrelle" <gatrelle at>
Sent: Friday, October 13, 2000 8:10 PM
Subject: Re: To those in the ring (backlog message)

> Ron Gatrelle wrote:
> <snip>
> > What we sew
> > IS what we reap. However, we only reap after we sew, and in harvest, we
> > always reap more that we sew.
> <snip>
> Ron,  whatsoever we *sow* that shall we reap but,
> whatsoever we *sew* that shall we mend.
> Dave Webster, Kentville

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