Regal Fritillary in Ontario

Donald Davis donald.davis at
Tue Oct 17 13:00:17 EDT 2000

Forwarded by Don Davis, Toronto , ON. This may be the first Ontario
sighting since 1972:

On Mon, 16 Oct 2000 TChipE at wrote:

Dear Donald,

Doris Applebaum, Debbie Aylward, and I saw the regal frittillary
October 2, 2000 at the hawk tower at Holiday Beach (near Amherstburg,
Ontario).  Debbie has seen the
butterfly  before and was positive of the ID, Doris has been doing
butterflies for quite  a while and has just retired as the Registrar at
the Detroit Zoo. Debbie among other things has worked as a naturalist
for the DNR in  Michigan.

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