Saturniidae / Eacles

llecerf at llecerf at
Sat Oct 21 18:59:50 EDT 2000

I have improved my gallery of South-American Saturnidae with new
pictures of Eacles (Ceratocampinae). I have inserted 3 pictures of what
I think is Eacles imperialis oslari, 2 males and 1 female. The female
looks like an oslari female, not like an imperialis imperialis one. I
have had it from an exchange, but it has been collected in
Massachussetts, and I know oslari is more found in Arizona.
So my question : could you please confirm me or not if the female I
have is an oslari or not ?
The gallery is there :
By the way, if you have pictures of Saturniidae to improve my website,
you can send them to me !
And if you have Eacles specimens for exchange or for sale, I would be
very interested.
Laurent Lecerf

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