Dominican Republic

Guerrero, Kelvin cerambycido at
Mon Oct 23 14:14:47 EDT 2000

Dear Folk:

My name is Kelvin A. Guerrero from the Dominican
Republic. Currently, I am working on Systematic
Entomology of West Indies Beetles, but I have
some experience on Butterflies of the Hispaniola.
Answering your question I'll give you some
information below

Here, is the location of a web site that I am
working on for the Butterflies of the Dominican
and this are the instructions how to get in:
When the page come out Click in Ecology-->Click
on Fauna-->Click on Aire, so when you click on
aire it would bring the page of the butterflies.
I put a lot of information and images. It is kind
of electronic field guide. The page is still
under construction, but you will be able to see
it. it is kind of slow. Also, we need to do some
correction that is why I haven't promoted it.

The information is in Spanish, but if you need to
know specific information, please let me know and
I will be glad to help you.

Remember the clicking stuff: Ecologia+Fauna+Aire.


Kelvin Guerrero
--- D Marven <marven at> wrote:
> Hi Guys
>       I wonder if any you out there know of any
> websites for Butterflies
> and Dragonflies of the Dominican Republic, any
> help would be much
> appreciated. Derrick
> Derrick Marven
> Duncan, B.C.
> Canada
>    For subscription and related information
> about LEPS-L visit:

Kelvin A. Guerrero

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