Belize Tiger Moths - USA specimens wanted

mbarnes at mbarnes at
Thu Sep 14 04:03:16 EDT 2000

I am currently working on the moth fauna of Belize, Central America
(see website at ).  A couple of Tiger Moth
species (Arctiidae: Arctiinae) are puzzling me as they have turned up
on one occasion at one locality in Belize and have not been seen since
- they are Pygarctia roseicapitis Neumoegen & Dyar 1893 and Notarctia
proxima Guerin-Meneville 1844.  I am anxious to obtain US/Mexican/C.
American specimens of Notarctia proxima (I have already kindly been
promised some of Pygarctia roseicapitis from Arizona) for comparative
purposes, as well as any information that US or Central American
Lepidopterists may have concerning the precise distribution, preferred
habitat, larval foodplant etc. of these two species.  The only
information I have at present is that these two species are found in
the South-West USA and Mexico.  I would be grateful if anyone who can
help with specimens of further information could kindly e-mail me at
mbarnes at  Many thanks

Matthew Barnes

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