WTB: Hodges List

Basil R. Halhed halhed at hei.ca
Thu Sep 14 11:12:12 EDT 2000

[This followup was posted to sci.bio.entomology.lepidoptera and 
a copy was sent to the cited author.]

For a number of months I have been trying to find a copy of Hodges 
"Check List of the Lepidoptera of America North of Mexico", ISBN 
0860960161, but with no success.  I promised my wife a copy for her 
birthday early this summer and have had no success finding a copy.

My wife is an amateur and consequently we don't have the budget for 
all the individual fasicles which are available.

Please let me know if you know of an available copy.



= = = = =
Basil Halhed  President & Principal Consultant
Halhed Enterprises Inc.     http://www.hei.ca/
b_halhed at hei.ca

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