mist-netting for monarchs?

Michael Moreno w0lverine69 at hotmail.com
Thu Sep 14 14:52:45 EDT 2000

We do a lot of mist netting for bats as a part of our research. The 
mist-nets are basically a very large hair-net about the size of a volleyball 
net (7'X 30'). When mist%20netting, one of the problems that occur is that 
we seem to catch plenty of moths. Now since the monarch migration is on the 
way I was wondering if anyone ever heard of mist%20netting for monarch? We 
plan to tag as many monarchs that we can get our hands on. Is mist%20netting 
recommended or discouraged?

Michael Moreno
Texas Wesleyan University
Fort Worth, TX
w0lverine69 at hotmail.com
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