Bob Casanova nospam at
Sat Sep 16 19:44:13 EDT 2000

On 16 Sep 2000 02:26:34 -0400, the following appeared in, posted by jarofclay at

>Press Release
>September 15, 2000

I'm an electronics engineer, and I (like Poirier) am a
layman WRT biology (see below). Would you be willing to take
my word that he's wrong? Why not?

>The Original Navigational Micro-Computer
>THE MONARCH BUTTERFLY: A lecture (with slides) by Jules H. Poirier
>Jules H. Poirier, a retired design electronics engineer from San Diego,
>will be speaking in six British Columbia cities on the design features
>of the monarch butterfly from Sept. 23 - 30. The lecture series is
>sponsored by the Creation Science Association of British Columbia
>Jules H. Poirier:
>* senior design specialist electronics engineer

I'm a senior radar test systems design engineer.

>* studied electrical engineering, physics and mathematics at the
>University of California (Berkeley)

I studied electrical engineering, physics and mathematics
(and quite a bit more) at The Johns Hopkins University. I
also received my baccalaureate there.

>* has worked for the U.S. Navy, Ryan Aeronautics and the Electronics
>Division of Convair

I've worked for the US Marines, Chesapeake Instrument
Division of Gould, Inc. Westinghouse Electric Company's
Defense Electronics Division and Northrop Grumman's
Electronic Systems and Sensors Sector.

>* designer of radar FM altimeter on Apollo Lunar Landing Module

Well, he's one up on me there; I guess only one of us could
do it. Damn...

Note that argument from authority is stupid. When the
"authority" is that of a layman with no biology credentials,
and the item under discussion is related to biology, it's
*particularly* stupid.

>With experience in designing guidance systems, Mr. Poirier began
>studying the guidance system of the monarch butterfly. His conclusion is
>that the prior claim of a Creator dwarfs the efforts of man, and that
>this design could not have evolved.

Arguments from incredulity aren't very persuasive either,
*especially* when used by laymen such as Poirier.


Bob C.

(Bob-Casanova at

"No one's life, liberty or property is safe while
 the legislature is in session." - Mark Twain

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