jarofclay at my-deja.com 16 Sep 2000 02:26:34 -0400

Neil Jones Neil at nwjones.demon.co.uk
Sun Sep 17 05:36:55 EDT 2000

In article <8pvbf1$4ss$1 at nnrp1.deja.com> priamus at my-deja.com  writes:

> I missed the original post but PLEASE . . . . Gimme a Break!
> Take a closer look at his "Sponsors" and his Venues.
> Just another Whacko Creationist out to (hopefully) make a name & a buck
> for himself in his sunset years. One of those "warm, fuzzy, feel-good
> types who has never got dirt on his boots or under his fingernails.
> I can't remember the quote exactly, but in Palladin there is a line that
> goes something like: "save me from all those with good intentions".
> Sorry if I seem a bit brusque, but as an Australian, I can't stand this
> sort of bullshit.
> Cheers,
> Chris Hocking

Creation "science" is  utterly and completely phoney. It is also largely
a North American Phenomenon. Although I suspect it would have its followers
in places like Iran and Iraq. I have only ever met 2 British people who
advocated its crede. One was the son of an evangelist preacher. Another
was a rather gullable born-again type who also believed that stage magicians
were in league with the devil. This was because he couldn't work out how they
did their tricks!

People on Leps-l should be aware that the original posting was cross
posted to talk.origins as well as sci.bio.entomology.lepidoptera .
(This posting isn't)

Talk.origins is full of people who argue about this. The kinds that shout
"get thee behind me satan" at people.

Chris Hocking shouldn't need to apologise for attacking this scientific 
perversion. It is backward, ignorant and fundamentally dishonest.

Note. Most British people like myself are not religious. Those who are
often see no conflict between believing in God and believing in evolution.

> >Press Release
> >September 15, 2000
> >
> >
> >The Original Navigational Micro-Computer
> >THE MONARCH BUTTERFLY: A lecture (with slides) by Jules H. Poirier
> >
> >Jules H. Poirier, a retired design electronics engineer from San Diego,
> >will be speaking in six British Columbia cities on the design features
> >of the monarch butterfly from Sept. 23 - 30. The lecture series is
> >sponsored by the Creation Science Association of British Columbia
> >http://van.planeteer.com/~creation>.
> >
> >Jules H. Poirier:
> >
> >* senior design specialist electronics engineer
> >
> >* studied electrical engineering, physics and mathematics at the
> >University of California (Berkeley)
> >
> >* has worked for the U.S. Navy, Ryan Aeronautics and the Electronics
> >Division of Convair
> >
> >* designer of radar FM altimeter on Apollo Lunar Landing Module
> >
> >With experience in designing guidance systems, Mr. Poirier began
> >studying the guidance system of the monarch butterfly. His conclusion
> is
> >that the prior claim of a Creator dwarfs the efforts of man, and that
> >this design could not have evolved.
> >
> >Poirier is the author of two books on the monarch butterfly life cycle:
> >_The Life and Adventures of Monica Monarch_ (for children), and _From
> >Darkness into Light to Flight: Monarch — the Miracle Butterfly_.
> >
> >Lecture schedule:
> >
> >Saturday, Sept. 23
> >First Baptist Church, 1650 Waddington Rd., Nanaimo B.C., 7:00 p.m.
> >
> >Sunday, Sept. 24
> >Ridgeview Evangelical Missionary Church, 1097 Hollywood Road, Kelowna
> >B.C., 7:00 p.m.
> >
> >Monday, Sept. 25
> >a) Kings Christian School, 350 -  30th St. SE, Salmon Arm B.C., time:
> >TBA
> >
> >b) Broadview Evangelical Free Church, 350 -  30th St. SE, Salmon Arm,
> >B.C., 7:00 p.m.
> >
> >Wednesday, Sept. 27
> >
> >a) "Talkback" with Bruce Strachan [9:00 a.m.- 10:00 a.m.] CJCI
> Radio620,
> >Prince George, B.C.
> >
> >b) Cedars Christian School, 701 North Nechako Road, Prince George, B.C.
> >12 noon
> >
> >c) University of Northern British Columbia [Room 7-212], 3333
> University
> >Way, Prince George B.C., 7:00 p.m.
> >
> >Friday, Sept. 29
> >Surrey Alliance Church, 13474 - 96th Ave., Surrey B.C., 7:30 p.m.
> >
> >Saturday, Sept. 30
> >Oakridge Baptist Church, 6261 Cambie St., Vancouver B.C., 7:30 p.m.
> >
> >For more information or to schedule interviews, call (604) 535-0019
> >[Vancouver] Email <creation at planeteer.com
> >For further reference:
> >
> >Jules H. Poirier [Bio]
> >http://www.answersingenesis.org/docs/457.asp
> >
> >Female Monarch Butterfly's Needles Designed For Its Survival
> >by Jules H. Poirier
> >http://www.icr.org/pubs/imp/imp-267.htm
> >
> >Design Features of the Monarch Butterfly Life Cycle
> >by Jules H. Poirier
> >http://www.icr.org/pubs/imp/imp-237.htm
> >
> >The magnificent migrating monarch
> >by Jules H. Poirier
> >http://www.answersingenesis.org/docs/521.asp
> >
> >http://www.exn.ca/Stories/2000/09/12/53.cfm  [September 12, 2000]
> >
> >Future looks dim for monarch butterflies
> >
> >Meanwhile, a new report says monarch butterflies may face a difficult
> >future. At this time of year, monarch butterflies across the country
> >start heading south. Eventually, hundreds of millions of monarchs will
> >make it to a section of forest in Mexico. They spend the winter there
> >and then migrate north in the spring. But researchers say what was once
> >a vast, pristine forest is now a series of tiny segments, separated by
> >farmland. The first-ever aerial survey of the area
> >shows there's only about half as much forest as there was 30 years ago
> -
> >and the researchers estimate the entire forest will be gone within the
> >next half century.
> >
> >Researchers Find Key to Monarch Butterfly Migration [May 2, 1997]
> >http://www.exn.ca/Stories/1997/05/01/03.cfm
> >
> >Journey North
> >http://www.learner.org/jnorth/spring2000/species/monarch/index.html
> >
> >Monarch Migration Update
> >http://www.learner.org/jnorth/fall2000/monarch/Update091300.html
> Sent via Deja.com http://www.deja.com/
> Before you buy.

Neil Jones- Neil at nwjones.demon.co.uk http://www.nwjones.demon.co.uk/
"At some point I had to stand up and be counted. Who speaks for the
butterflies?" Andrew Lees - The quotation on his memorial at Crymlyn Bog
National Nature Reserve

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