Abundance of Canadian Monarch Butterflies

Donald Davis donald.davis at utoronto.ca
Wed Sep 27 01:41:29 EDT 2000

I'd be interested in hearing from Canadian observers concerning the
abundance of monarch butterflies in their areas this past summer and
fall, or sightings from areas where monarchs are uncommon.

Things certainly seem late here in Ontario. I still have many pupa in my
rearing cage, and a couple of larva pupated on Sunday. Tonight, I drove
down after work to the Leslie Street Spit in Toronto and tagged 74. Also
tagged another 40 at Presqu'ile Provincial Park on Sunday.

I just hope that the weather holds out long enough for them to get
south. Night time low to get down to about 3 C.

Don Davis
Toronto, ON

donald.davis at utoronto.ca
donald_davis at stu.wdw.utoronto.ca

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