Jules Poirier radio interview (Sept. 27)
jarofclay at my-deja.com
jarofclay at my-deja.com
Wed Sep 27 01:00:10 EDT 2000
Jules Poirier will be a guest on the radio program, "Talkback with Bruce
Strachan" (Wednesday, Sept. 27)
"Talkback with Bruce Strachan" [9:05 a.m.- 10:00 a.m. Pacific Time Zone]
CJCI Radio AM 620, Prince George, B.C. <http://www.620cjci.com/
Listen with Real Audio <http://www.mag-net.com/~cjci/cjcimeta.ram>
Three questions:
1) What was the ancestor of the butterfly?
2) Are there any references in the scientific literature which document
the evolutionary stages that led up to the monarch butterfly, or to
butterflies in general?
3) Would you throw away your eyes, your hands and your feet before you
made yourself a flying machine?
David Buckna
Press Release [Updated]
September 26, 2000
The Original Navigational Micro-Computer
THE MONARCH BUTTERFLY: A lecture (with slides) by Jules H. Poirier
Jules H. Poirier, a retired design electronics engineer from San Diego,
will be speaking in six British Columbia cities on the design features
of the monarch butterfly from Sept. 23 - 30. The lecture series is
sponsored by the Creation Science Association of British Columbia
Jules H. Poirier:
* senior design specialist electronics engineer
* studied electrical engineering, physics and mathematics at the
University of California (Berkeley); Bachelor of Applied Science
* has worked for the U.S. Navy, Ryan Aeronautics, and the Electronics
Division of Convair
* designed the first FM altimeter test equipment
* designed the radar tracker for the Saturn V rocket
* checked circuit designs for the Viking spacecraft
* worked on the altimeter and power supply for the Surveyor spacecraft
* designed circuits for Surveyor and Apollo spacecraft
* designer of radar FM altimeter on Apollo Lunar Landing Module
With experience in designing guidance systems, Mr. Poirier began
studying the guidance system of the monarch butterfly. His conclusion is
that the prior claim of a Creator dwarfs the efforts of man, and that
this design could not have evolved.
In the web article, _Design Features of the Monarch Butterfly Life
<http://www.icr.org/pubs/imp/imp-237.htm> Poirier comments:
"The monarch butterflies are the only insects on Earth to migrate
annually over
continental distances, and it is estimated that over 300 million of
fantastic creatures migrate to Mexico every year. Their navigational
are extremely complex to direct them as far as 3000 miles to a wintering
site they have never seen, and then to guide them in the spring on their
northeast travel to different parts of the U.S. and Canada. Evolutionism
provides no believable explanation for such remarkable abilities."
He concludes: "When one examines the life and migration cycles of the
monarch butterfly, it is easy to see design features which point back to
a Designer. There is inexorable order in the repeatable progress of
developmental stages.
An incredible plan unfolds in the transforming pupal stage, through
disintegration and reintegration to the miracle and beauty of a winged
insect. Simplicity in feeding, complexity in navigation, beauty in
coloration all speak of incredibly packed information in its genetic
message. By whatever means it is drawn or directed to make such
flights to its wintering grounds, there must be some type of implanted
foreknowledge in its very being that makes it all possible."
Jules Poirier is the author of two books on the monarch butterfly life
_The Life and Adventures of Monica Monarch_ (for children), and _From
Darkness into Light to Flight: Monarch the Miracle Butterfly_.
Remaining schedule:
Wednesday, Sept. 27
a) "Talkback with Bruce Strachan" [9:05 a.m.- 10:00 a.m. Pacific Time
Zone] CJCI Radio AM 620, Prince George, B.C. <http://www.620cjci.com/
Listen with Real Audio <http://www.mag-net.com/~cjci/cjcimeta.ram>
b) Cedars Christian School, 701 North Nechako Road, Prince George, B.C.
12 noon
c) University of Northern British Columbia [Room 7-212], 3333 University
Way, Prince George B.C., 7:00 p.m.
Friday, Sept. 29
Surrey Alliance Church, 13474 - 96th Ave., Surrey B.C., 7:30 p.m.
Saturday, Sept. 30
Oakridge Baptist Church, 6261 Cambie St., Vancouver B.C., 7:30 p.m.
For more information or to schedule interviews, call (604) 535-0019
[Vancouver] email <creation at planeteer.com> or (250) 868-0551 [Kelowna]
For further reference:
Jules H. Poirier [Bio]
Female Monarch Butterfly's Needles Designed For Its Survival
by Jules H. Poirier
Design Features of the Monarch Butterfly Life Cycle
by Jules H. Poirier
The magnificent migrating monarch
by Jules H. Poirier
http://www.exn.ca/Stories/2000/09/12/53.cfm [September 12, 2000]
Future looks dim for monarch butterflies
Meanwhile, a new report says monarch butterflies may face a difficult
future. At this time of year, monarch butterflies across the country
start heading south. Eventually, hundreds of millions of monarchs will
make it to a section of forest in Mexico. They spend the winter there
and then migrate north in the spring. But researchers say what was once
a vast, pristine forest is now a series of tiny segments, separated by
farmland. The first-ever aerial survey of the area shows there's only
about half as much forest as there was 30 years ago - and the
researchers estimate the entire forest will be gone within the next half
Researchers Find Key to Monarch Butterfly Migration [May 2, 1997]
Journey North
Monarch Migration Update
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