label problems

Stanley A. Gorodenski stanlep at
Fri Sep 29 00:10:14 EDT 2000

Responding to this message is a little late, but I recently got
connected back to leps-l after having trouble accessing it with my
former internet provider.

I use laser printed labels, but I also am concerned over how long they
will last.  In the past I've printed acceptable labels with a Panasonic
KX-P1624 dot matrix printer.  I had purchased a Tru-type for DOS fonts
package that gave easy to read labels down to a 3 and 4 point size which
was surprising to me for a dot matrix printer.  What I don't know that
perhaps someone could help clarify, is how 'indelible' the ribbon ink
is, and whether 'bleeding' over time will make the labels unreadable.


Rob & Ryan wrote:
> Hey there gang! I enjoy every aspect of collecting, except labeling..
> sometimes it seems as if though it never ends. We in addition to our
> collection have a collectors nightmare. Hundreds and Hundreds of unspread
> specimens awaiting relaxing and spreading.. who has the time to always do it
> right away! We recently have started relaxing specimens and spreading them.
> but the need for labels is outstanding. As technology takes over and even
> sneaks into the lepidopterists world (this newsgroup is a good example) I
> cant help but insist there is a way to do labels on the computer. I have
> done them and they turn out fantastic! the use of acid free paper is no
> problem at all.. but the use of indelible ink is. I have a newly acquired
> Epson stylus colour 740, and would like to know if anyone has had any
> success in the use of indelible inks in printers, or if anyone has used a
> printing service.
> happy collecting,
> Rob & Ryan Vandermoor
> B.C. Canada

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