Propagation of typos
Niklas Wahlberg
Niklas.Wahlberg at
Mon Apr 2 08:18:50 EDT 2001
Thanks, Ron, for the vote of confidence! This thread brings up
something that is pertinent to one my current projects. What is the gender
of Phyciodes (asks one who has had no training in Latin...)? If it is male,
then what should the species names be for the following species:
Phyciodes cocyta
Phyciodes pulchella
Phyciodes picta
Phyciodes vesta
Phyciodes pallida
Phyciodes mylitta
Should they all actually end in -us? All are the original spelling
(described under the genera Papilio or Melitaea).
At 02:45 2001.04.02 -0400, Ron Gatrelle wrote:
>Personally, I agree with James Scott that gender matching is not too
>important or even impossible. (A female genus with a franki male species
>for example.) I favor sticking with the original spelling method just
>because of the _many_ potential genus changes over the centuries Mike
>mentions below. But I will not do so until the ICZN changes the rule.
>Without rule we have scientific anarchy - which can only lead to dumbed
>down science.
>Back to the matter of changing genus names. When a researcher publishes a
>new genus - or generic alignment - none of us "have" to use it. But - I
>think a specialist should be given a lot of professional respect -
>especially by popular book authors who are not expert in that particular
>area - and use the new combinations. A good current example is the genetic
>based generic work by Dr. Wahlberg on the Melitaeini.
Niklas Wahlberg
Department of Zoology
Stockholm University
S-106 91 Stockholm
Phone: +46 8 164047
Fax: +46 8 167715
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