Phyciodes - Re: Propagation of typos
Ron Gatrelle
gatrelle at
Mon Apr 2 14:56:12 EDT 2001
Chris beat me to it - but my question is if it is neuter. I have not yet
had the opportunity to check that out. My understanding of neuter by the
code is not that it is _neither_ male or female but _either_ male or
female. I am no Latin guy, I just drive myself crazy reading and rereading
the code which is a law book not a biological book. The following is
----- Original Message -----
From: "Chris J. Durden" <drdn at>
To: <leps-l at>
Sent: Monday, April 02, 2001 11:54 AM
Subject: Phyciodes - Re: Propagation of typos
> First, I am not a classics scholar. I can only look up.
> Phyciodes = possibly the rouged one? This might or might not be of
> feminine gender.
> Possibly from Greek phykos = sea-weed or rouge (made from sea-weed),
> neuter.
> The proposer of the name, Huebner will have indicated his determination
> the gender of the name in 1819 (Verz. bekannt. Schmett., (2): 29). I do
> have ready access to this publication so I do not know the original
> of the included species.
> Scudder fixed the type species as *Papilio cocyta* Cramer in 1872 (4th
> Ann. Rept. Peabody Acad. Sci. for 1871: 46. Cocytus (m) = The River of
> Wailing, one of the rivers of hell. *Papilio* (m) = butterfly. Why Cramer
> used *cocyta* rather than *cocytus* I do not know. *Phyciodes cocyta* is
> currently considered a subjective synonym of *Phyciodes tharos*.
> People who described new taxa in *Phyciodes* used the following:
> *Phyciodes boucardi* Godman & Salvin, 1878. (of Boucard (m)) .
> *Phyciodes hiemalis* Edwards, 1878. (wintery/stormy, gender agreement
> *P.* is m).
> *Phyciodes aestiva* Edwards, 1878. (relating to summer, gender agreement
> with *P.* is f.)
> *Phyciodes nox* Gunder, 1928. (night (f.), a noun in apposition not
> required to agree).
> *Phyciodes thornei* Gunder, 1934. (of Thorn (m)).
> *Phyciodes arctica* dos Passos, 1935. (relating to the north, gender
> agreement with *P* is f)
> *Phyciodes packardii* Saunders, 1869. (of Packard (m)).
> *Phyciodes reaghi* Reiff, 1913. (of Reagh (m)).
> *Phyciodes dyari* Gunder, 1928. (of Dyar (m)).
> *Phyciodes distincta* Bauer, 1975. (separated/distinct, gender agreement
> with *P* is f).
> *Phyciodes pascoensis* Wright, 1905. (from the place of cattle feeding).
> *Phyciodes mcdunnoughi* Gunder, 1928 (of McDunnough (m)).
> *Phyciodes camillus* Edwards, 1871. (proper name = savior of one's
> - noun in apposition).
> *Phyciodes emissa* Edwards, 1871. (sent out, gender agreement with *P.*
is f).
> *Phyciodes rohweri* Cockerell, 1913. (of Rohwer (m)).
> *Phyciodes tristis* Cockerell, 1913. (melancholy, gender agreement with
> *P.* is m).
> *Phyciodes jemezensis* Brehme, 1913. (of the place of Jemez (Springs)).
> *Phyciodes canace* Edwards, 1871. (daughter of Aeolus, proper noun in
> apposition).
> *Phyciodes orseis* Edwards, 1871. (?a commencement, noun in apposition).
> *Phyciodes edwardsi* Gunder, 1927. (of Edwards (m)).
> *Phyciodes herlani* Bauer, 1975. (of Herlan (m)).
> *Phyciodes barnesi* Skinner, 1897. (of Barnes (m)).
> *Phyciodes collinsi* Gunder, 1930. (of Collins (m)).
> *Phyciodes macyi* Fender, 1930. (of Macy (m)).
> *Phyciodes arizonensis* Bauer, 1975. (of the place of Arizona).
> *Phyciodes thebais* Godman & Salvin, 1878. (belonging to Thebes
> (Egypt/Boeotia) f).
> 12 are named after people and are required to take the gender of the
> rather than the genus.
> 4 are named as nouns in apposition and take the gender of the noun.
> 2 are adjectives assuming the genus to be masculine (Edwards, Cockerell)
> 5 are adjectives assuming the genus to be feminine (Edwards, dos Passos,
> Bauer, Godman & Salvin.
> 3 are "from the place of" and take the gender of the place.
> Not knowing what Huebner had in mind, I would follow Edwards, dos
> Passos, Bauer, Godman & Salvin in identifying *Phyciodes* as feminine.
> ................Chris Durden
> At 02:18 PM 4/2/2001 +0200, you wrote:
> >Hi,
> > Thanks, Ron, for the vote of confidence! This thread brings up
> > something that is pertinent to one my current projects. What is the
> > gender of Phyciodes (asks one who has had no training in Latin...)? If
> > is male, then what should the species names be for the following
> >Phyciodes cocyta
> >Phyciodes pulchella
> >Phyciodes picta
> >Phyciodes vesta
> >Phyciodes pallida
> >Phyciodes mylitta
> >
> >Should they all actually end in -us? All are the original spelling
> >(described under the genera Papilio or Melitaea).
> >
> >Cheers,
> >Niklas
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