Who can help on some insects (fwd)

Joshua Stuart Rose jsr6 at duke.edu
Fri Apr 6 18:43:31 EDT 2001

Howdy Leppers,

The forwarded message below came to the odonates list, but most of the 
creatures Matthias wants identified appear to be moth caterpillars (plus 
a few mosquitoes), so I figure this list is a better place for it. All 
are pretty spectacular, especially the scaly thing at the bottom of the 
page that I'm not even sure is a caterpillar; the text mentions 
Weichkafers, which I think is some kind of beetle... If anyone has a 
clue, please e-mail the address on the page (though I wouldn't mind 
hearing the names of these incredible critters either).



Joshua S. Rose
Duke University
Department of Biology (Zoology, R.I.P.)

jsr6 at acpub.duke.edu

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sat, 07 Apr 2001 00:09:55 +0200
From: Matthias Hartung <AEH.Matthias.Hartung at t-online.de>
To: dragonflies at listbot.com
Subject: Who can help on some insects

Odonata - http://www.listbot.com/cgi-bin/subscriber

Hi all,
a friend has ask me to help on some animals incl. insects from Borneo
and other regions. This list is written in german, but the pictures are
all from animals unknown for us. Perhaps anyone an help. Please answer,
the email adress is included in the page by me, but you can answer to me
Best greetings.
Matthias Hartung, Germany


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