Field Guide Brochure

Ron Gatrelle gatrelle at
Mon Apr 9 15:41:04 EDT 2001

I find neither of these gentlemen in the Lepidopterists' Society members
list. I find a "sign of the times" to have people writing regional
butterfly book who are not Lep. Soc. members! Well, now we know why they
did not say the book was for lepidopterists - and why it is for law
enforcement. You don't have to be a psychiatrist to see the Freudian slip

Lepsters are not assumed either. I have been writing articles and books for
over 25 years in several fields. I have worked with several editors - you
don't "assume" your main target audience - you target them. Especially in
advertising and marketing brochures. And you surely don't waste your money
seeking those beyond the  "normal" audience/interest. You don't try to sell
cook books to "law enforcement".  The sad fact is that in today's America
"law enforcement" is a part of the leps scene - and it has nothing to do
with any interest in Lepidoptera. They are not the bug police. They are
policing the buggers.

----- Original Message -----
From: <Leptraps at>
To: <gatrelle at>; <leps-l at>
Sent: Monday, April 09, 2001 2:14 PM
Subject: Re: Field Guide Brochure

> The authors of "Field Guide to Butterflies of Illinois are:
> John K. Bouseman
> Associate Professional Scientist at the Illinois Natural History Survey
> Jams G. Sternburg
> Professor Emerritus of Entomology
> University of Illinois,
> Urbana-Champaigne and an affiliate of the Illinois Natural History
> I do not have access to the lep, Soc. Membership List, however, I will
take a look at who they are tonight.


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