Cute common names for maggots
Michael Gochfeld
gochfeld at
Sat Apr 21 23:31:20 EDT 2001
I recently returned from Brazil harboring three Bot Fly larvae (maggots)
a-growing in my hand.
People found these creatures fascinating (and some called them gross, as
well). They were particularly interesting after about four weeks, when
you could see their breathing tubes through the holes that they kept
open (like seals in ice). Little pink bubbles rose and fell several
times a minute.
But people really found it interesting to look at the creature (both in
vivo and in plastico after I had extracted them. They could relate to
the name BOT FLY (and of course, I'm not sure exactly what species they
really are, so the generic appellation, BOT FLY, suffices nicely.
M. Gochfeld
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