Cute common names for maggots
John Shuey
jshuey at
Sun Apr 22 17:03:18 EDT 2001
In Belize bot flies are beef worms - pronounced so that it sounds like
beeforms. One screwed up the entire left side of my lymphatic system a
couple of years ago (it choose the base of my neck for home). I limped for
about 2 months - so I don't think that there is really to many attributes
I'd call cute.
Michael Gochfeld wrote:
> I recently returned from Brazil harboring three Bot Fly larvae (maggots)
> a-growing in my hand.
> People found these creatures fascinating (and some called them gross, as
> well). They were particularly interesting after about four weeks, when
> you could see their breathing tubes through the holes that they kept
> open (like seals in ice). Little pink bubbles rose and fell several
> times a minute.
> But people really found it interesting to look at the creature (both in
> vivo and in plastico after I had extracted them. They could relate to
> the name BOT FLY (and of course, I'm not sure exactly what species they
> really are, so the generic appellation, BOT FLY, suffices nicely.
> M. Gochfeld
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